
Some favorite pics

All the girls are doing well - learning to roll over and sit up and they've even started giggling! There is nothing like the sound of your child laughing! Wow!!! If only I could flip a switch so I could hear that beautiful sound over and over whenever I want to. Z continues to progress, she fifnally got her hearing aids. Richard and I were there with the audiologist and saw her eyes get really big when they first put one on her...it was so amazing to see her respond to sound. The audiologist said for us to remember that her hearing age is that of a newborn so we should not expect her to react to sound the way A and L do, she has to learn that sound has meaning and which sounds are important. We will start working with her through the Atlanta Speech School soon which I am really looking forward to. The pulmanologist saw Z and said the criteria for discharge is to be on 1/2 liter of O2 (she's currently btwn 1 1/2 nd 2 liters) and she must not desat below 80% when the canula isn't in her nose - right now she desats to 70% within 2 minutes! So she's got a ways to go yet, but she has been changed to taking 4 bottles during the day and a continuous tube feeding at night, she LOVES her bottles and does really well with them. She is so cute, she watches and sees the nurse getting her bottle ready and she'll sit up and start waving her little chubby arms around 'cause she wants her bottle!!! My sister has been in town for the last two weeks (I don't think we can let her leave) and she has captured some wonderful photos of my girls, we are so fortunate to have such incredible talent in the family :) So we're hanging in there, working on feeding with Avery and Lily and watching them learn and do new things every day. Please enjoy the photos and feel free to comment on how cute they are!!!
Sweet little A

Aunt Nomi and Z cuddling

Z getting ready for a bath

A reading her favorite book

L reading her book

Mimi with L and A

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All time favorite video of Zoe!

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Bible verses that comfort me

"Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord."
~ 2 Corinthians 5:8

"Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children....Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them"
~ Mark10:14 & 10:16

"...those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint"~ Isaiah40:31